
  • 52
  • 10759 Times
  • June 21 2023

FK-5-1-12 (Novec 5112) VS HFC-227ea (FM-200)

FK-5-1-12 (Novec 5112) VS HFC-227ea (FM-200)

FK-5-1-12 (Novec 5112) and HFC227-EA (Heptafluoropropane) are both clean agent fire suppression agents with distinct characteristics. Here's a comparison between the two:

1. Environmental Impact:
   - FK-5-1-12: It has a low global warming potential, zero ozone depletion potential, and a short atmospheric lifetime. It is considered environmentally friendly.
   - HFC227-EA: It has a low global warming potential and zero ozone depletion potential. It is also considered environmentally friendly.

2. Chemical Composition:
   - FK-5-1-12: It belongs to the family of fluorinated ketones and is composed of carbon, fluorine, and oxygen.
   - HFC227-EA: It belongs to the class of halocarbon compounds and is composed of carbon, fluorine, and hydrogen.

3. Fire Suppression Mechanism:
   - FK-5-1-12: It removes heat from the fire and interrupts the combustion process by absorbing energy and reducing the flame temperature.
   - HFC227-EA: It operates by absorbing heat and interfering with the chemical chain reactions involved in the combustion process.

4. Application:
   - FK-5-1-12: It is suitable for a range of applications, including data centers, control rooms, museums, and telecommunications facilities.
   - HFC227-EA: It is commonly used in data centers, telecommunications facilities, server rooms, and other critical environments.

5. Residue and Cleanup:
   - FK-5-1-12: It does not leave any residue after discharge, minimizing post-fire cleanup and potential damage to sensitive equipment.
   - HFC227-EA: It does not leave any residue after discharge, allowing for easy cleanup and minimal damage to protected assets.

6. Storage and Handling:
   - FK-5-1-12: It is typically stored as a liquid under high pressure and requires specific handling procedures.
   - HFC227-EA: It is stored as a liquid under high pressure and also requires proper handling and storage practices.

Ultimately, the choice between FK-5-1-12 and HFC227-EA depends on specific requirements, regulations, and the preferences of the application. Consulting with fire protection experts and considering local regulations can help determine the most suitable agent for a particular scenario.

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