Explosion Proof Equipments

Anti-explosion equipment are devices that are used in environments that are prone to explosion by various gases and explosive dust. This equipment has ex explosion proof standard. In fact, anti-explosion equipment is resistant to flame, electric shock, overheating and other such things. Since this equipment are known all over the world with the ex-symbol, these types of anti-explosion equipment are also called ex. The meaning of explosion-proof equipment in English is that ex is an abbreviation of the same words, so if you come across titles like exp explosion-proof equipment, it means the same equipment.
Ex explosion-proof equipment must be classified according to criteria. To meet these criteria, a device must be capable of preventing any explosion within the enclosure in which it is placed and of sparking within that enclosure which may be filled with gases, vapors, dust or flammable fibers. Avoid ignition in the air. Therefore, anti-explosion equipment is not a device to resist the origin of external explosions.
This equipment must be suitable for the temperature requirements of the environment in which they are installed, so they can be classified in the same way; Most of this equipment are classified as explosion-proof electrical equipment, which are a kind of explosion-proof electrical equipment that includes the following:
•    Anti-explosive communications equipment such as telephones and mobile phones
•    Anti-explosion refrigeration equipment such as anti-explosion air conditioners
•    Explosion-proof lighting equipment such as lamps
•    Explosion-proof containment equipment such as boxes
•    Explosion-proof key equipment such as keys
•    Anti-explosion connection equipment such as all kinds of glands
These devices can be used for any explosive environment; But the most sales of anti-explosion equipment belong to oil and petrochemical refineries, fuel stations, and electrical installations.