The automatic extinguishing system for kitchens consists of a pre-calculated system charged with the most up - to - date wet chemical agent pressurized with dry nitrogen at a pressure of 17 bar.
The FireTube system consists of:
The system is able to detect fire via a pipe made of the most advanced thermoplastic polymers.
When the pipe detects the flame action, it breaks releasing the pressure and allowing the valve to open.
The extinguishing agent is discharged through the diffusers.
The system includes the cylinder with the extinguishing agent together with the discharge system, the detection system and the diffusers.
Other elements such as an extinguisher cabinet, manual system operation, pressure switch, control center, etc. depending on the needs of the installation, can be used.
Electrical system: 
The system detects fire via adjustable thermal cable (Linear Heat Detector-LHD).
When the LHD detect the temperature, they send a signal to the Fire extinguishment control panel to activate the solenoid of the valve.


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