
  • 51
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  • April 04 2023

HFC-227ea (FM-200) Clean Agent Fire Suppression System

HFC-227ea (FM-200) Clean Agent Fire Suppression System

HFC227-EA, also known as HFC-227ea or Heptafluoropropane, is a colorless, odorless, and non-conductive fire suppression agent. It belongs to the class of halocarbon compounds and is widely used in fire suppression systems to extinguish fires without causing significant damage to the protected assets or leaving behind residue.

HFC227-EA is an environmentally friendly alternative to previously used fire suppressants like Halon 1301, which were found to have ozone depletion potential. HFC227-EA has zero ozone depletion potential and a very low global warming potential, making it a suitable choice for fire protection in critical environments.

It operates through a combination of physical and chemical mechanisms to extinguish fires. When discharged, HFC227-EA quickly vaporizes and absorbs heat, reducing the temperature of the fire. It also interrupts the chemical chain reactions involved in the combustion process, thereby suppressing the fire.

HFC227-EA is particularly effective in enclosed spaces, as it is capable of rapidly filling the protected area, displacing oxygen, and suffocating the fire. It is commonly used in data centers, telecommunications facilities, server rooms, museums, art galleries, and other locations where valuable assets and sensitive equipment need to be protected.



The agent is stored as a liquid under high pressure, and its release is typically triggered by a fire detection system. Upon activation, HFC227-EA is discharged as a gas through a network of pipes and nozzles, evenly distributing the agent throughout the protected area.

Due to its excellent fire suppression capabilities, non-toxic nature, and minimal impact on the environment, HFC227-EA has become one of the preferred choices for clean agent fire suppression systems in various industries worldwide. However, it is important to handle and store HFC227-EA properly, following the manufacturer's guidelines and local regulations, to ensure its safe and effective use.


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