Fire Gas Detection System

F&G systems or Fire and Gas Detection System, due to its very high costs, are generally not applicable for use in construction projects and often in very sensitive and advanced industrial projects such as petrochemicals, refineries, power plants and industrial factories are used.
Properties of F&G system: 
•    Due to the extremely high sensitivity of projects and areas under protection, most of these systems have high global standards such as UL, SIL, Atex, LPCB, FM.
•    In some of these systems, it is also possible to connect addressable fire alarm systems.
•    In some of these systems, it is also possible to connect the equipment of conventional fire alarm systems.
•    Some of these systems can also be used to control fire extinguishing systems.
•    The ability to display the amount of toxic and explosive gases online on the control panel.
•    The possibility of connecting some F&G systems to PLC, DCS, ESD, SCADA systems.
•    Programming F&G control panels and writing logic and control functions.
•    The possibility of connecting to the computer system and online monitoring and real-time recording of events.
•    Some F&G control panels are modular and you can buy, install and use the required modules as needed.
•    Control of gas and fire detectors of 4-20 milliampere type and contact relay.
•    The possibility of transmitting different signals to displays such as Mimic Panel, Alarm Annunciator and Engineering Work Station.
•    Sending siren and flasher output signals.